Wednesday 20 May 2009

Radio success and Fundraising panic!

Firstly, I'd like to say a massive thank you to everyone at BBC radio Humberside for making me feel so welcome on Friday, when I spoke to Lara King about my bike ride. I hope it sounded alright to anyone who tuned in :)

Secondly, I am in a complete blind panic about my July 3rd deadline for the first £1000 sponsorship money. I'm trying to sell everything I own and beg companies for the huge amount. If you know any way I can get my plea out there please let me know :)

Keep you updated :P xx

Wednesday 29 April 2009

BBC Radio Humberside

Mentionned that BBC radio humberside rang on my (mammoth) journey to lincoln on monday well they rang me again yesterday and it turns out they want me to be on the show a couple of times before my bike ride :) first one is on friday the 15th May 10 - 10:30! make sure you're listening!
I'm also going to be on Siren fm today! at 5-7! 107.3 fm if you've forgotten :)
Update soon xoxo

Monday 27 April 2009

Bike ride from Cleethorpes to Lincoln

Today I biked (the long way) from my house in Sunny Cleethorpes along the wet windy hilly roads of the Lincolnshire Wolds to my apartment in Lincoln (no I'm not a rich property tycoon, I am a poor student!) and whilst I thought this would give me some fantastic sense of achievement ... I was a little bit more disheartened at how incredibly difficult I found it :(
All I can hope for is that there is a lot more encouragement and sense of unity riding in a group (anybody would get tired of their own lonely thoughts after 4 and a half hours?) when it comes to Amsterdam. It would also be really good if the weather was lovely, there were no hills and I didn't have a laptop, washing and various other essential items strapped to my back!
Whilst I was about half way, my phone rang so I pulled into the entrance of a farm house and answered to BBC radio humberside! hopefully it was about the bike ride and them supporting me, from speaking to one of their alums on Siren a few weeks ago :) unfortunately the traffic was loud and my battery was beeping at me but I'll keep you posted on any progress.
It is half nine and I'm going to bed early after that ordeal!

Wednesday 8 April 2009

New Bike

Hey everyone

I hope that now the blogging unit is over someone still reads this!
Got a new bike yesterday and have been like a little kid going around on it and been all excited lol, want to say a huge thanks to JC Cooks of Cleethorpes for giving me lots of freebees :D

Still keeping on track to do it and get the money. Will let you know of any new progress that comes up :)

Thanks for reading xxx

Friday 27 March 2009

Another Update :)

These weeks seem to fly by! which is NOT GOOD for sponsorship considering that numbers are dropping off at lectures now, and people are preparing to go home for easter (difficult to ask people for money who aren't there). Seem to be really busy lately with french, dance teaching, being on the radio and training (and of course that pesky uni work!) so I'm starting to panic about my July deadline for the first £1000. My easter project is to pester pester and pester for sponsorship. Also am going to part with some of my clothes on ebay (!) and hopefully get enough stuff together for a carboot sale.
Any other ideas? please let me know
and don't forget ...

Monday 16 March 2009

Quick update on how things are going

Hey everyone

I know I've been a bit sporadic with my updates but I've been really busy (on and off the bike)
Been on the radio for the past two weeks promoting the bike ride. Last week I got some advice from none other than Jimmy Saville which was lovely! I'm going to be on the show again this week (Wednesday's Midweek Drive show from 5-7 on Siren fm 107.3) so I'll carry on begging hoping that some time people will log on and donate some money. Even if not, I have been put in touch with some really great people who have given me a lot of advice (and hopefully some sponsorship)

Still trying to bike everyday for about an hour and have found a couple of hidden gems around lincoln. I've also been for a body M.O.T. which really opened my eyes to how far I have to go (the less said about the results the better) So I've come back this week with a new resolve to get my (also somewhat sporadic) diet in place with my exercise plan to get fitter for my next M.O.T. which I will book for next month and hopefully get some nicer results lol.

I'll keep you updated


Wednesday 4 March 2009

Slight signs of improvement and the radio

Yesterday was my third spinning class and after nearly four weeks of cycling, I've had a mini breakthrough ... Today I woke up pain free! and at the class I didn't feel like I was going to explode, I just felt like I was exercising...

Anyway, the real reason for the blog today is that I'm on the radio this afternoon! Siren 107.3 are kindly letting me talk about the trip and ask for sponsors on their midweek drive show. So any lincoln uni goers who are looking at this blog instead of doing your MCC week 7!(not to worry some of us are writing it instead of doing week 7 lol) can listen between 5 and 7 tonight :):)

Thanks for reading xoxo

Sunday 1 March 2009

This Week Cont ...

Hey guys,

This week: days done exercise:7, days gone on a bike ride:6, radio chats:1, pizza eaten: still none!

Was on the radio yesterday which was fun! managed to get my neb in and plug the donating page and ask for sponsors so who knows who was listening (fingers crossed for a kind sympathetic millionaire!)

Did my longest bike ride today and managed to leave Lincoln all together lol, there was a sign for Grimsby and part of me was tempted to try it! a challenge for when I'm a bit fitter I reckon :) I truly have fallen back in love with bike riding and exercise (I did get a bit lazy there for a while!). Keeping on the look out for good bike deals also.

Thought this weekend about having a swishing (clothes swapping) party to raise funds at the Junxion where I live, but need to wait till tomorrow when the office is open to enquire.

Also have my first proper tangible holdable money in my fundraising box (thought as one of my only two followers so far you'd appriciate it James)

AND last but not least I'm going to put a money tin in Jazz in town (thanks Chelsea!) so that could be quite good!

Thanks for reading xxx

Saturday 28 February 2009



I'm going to be on Southside Broadcasting today at 1 plugging the bike ride :) please listen if you can


Tuesday 24 February 2009

Just a quick note

spinning class + hangover = bad times

Monday 23 February 2009

First Blog, beginning of training and fundraising

Hi everyone

I thought I'd set up this blog to let you all know how I'm getting on in my training and fundraising for the (mammoth) bike ride from London to Amsterdam on the 11th to 14th September. Also to let you know about any events and fundraising things I'm doing :)

I have a habit of not really sticking to things (revision schedules, tidying, learning musical instrument etc) but this is something I'm really serious about doing well with. I'm finally being pro-active and I want you all to know that I'm working hard for your money : )

Last week - emails sent: 6, Hours spent exercising: 4, pizza's eaten:0! meetings:1

Started an emailing frenzy and emailed my local radio in lincoln, the lincolnshire echo, my student union and kept in touch with the people at the Anthony Nolan Trust. The radio show got back to me and I'm going to be on Siren fm 107.3 on Saturday 28th Feb (time TBC) and on Wednesday the 11th March from 5 - 7. My student union, and the lincolnshire echo are still to get back to me (!) Also set up my page ( for fundraising.
Training wise I went for a 1hour run (with some short breaks for walking) did a spinning class(looking a bit bridget jones-y when I got off) and my dance class. Also started a bit more healthy eating.

This week - emails sent:2 (no doubt will send more) Hours spent exercising: 2 (so far) letters to be written: 1

This week my lovely boyfriend has let me bring his bike back to Lincoln (haha the fool we have 5 bikes in the garage not one of them work, I'm a bike breaking menace!) and besides trying to haul it on and store it awkwardly on 2 trains (accidentily knocking a walking stick from an old lady - if, by some sliding doors-esque chance, you're reading this I'm still really sorry!) it's turned out to be quite good. I've been on a bit of a bike riding adventure to south lincoln and back to the Juno soundtrack and it's been pretty nice!
I also asked at Tesco how I could get a stall at the front for fundraising and have been told I need a letter-headed letter SO I'm gonna get on that as soon as possible!
The main Triumph this week is my very first online sponsor from my lovely Uncle Mick and Auntie Shirl .. this may get the ball rolling!

Thanks for reading my blog! just want to keep you updated on how hard I'm going to work for your money : ) any fundraising ideas or training tips feel free to comment xxx